35.00 €
Ingredients: whole grain oat base with chocolate and orange (G, L, V)
Raspberry-pistachio meringue roll
The raspberry-pistachio meringue roll enchants with its airy texture and the flavor of juicy berries.
Lemon cream cheesecake
Küpsisekook erikaunistustega
Rohke šokolaadi- ja marjakaunistusega klassikaline küpsisekook.
Šokolaadiküpsis, vaniljeküpsis, kohupiim, käsitöö vahukoor, toorjuust, marjad, šokolaad
Tordi juurde ei kuulu topper.
Carrot cake
The classic moist carrot cake is a true taste experience that melts hearts with its rich flavor and soft texture.