1.90 €
Delicate and colorful macarons are like works of art, adding a special charm to any event. Whether it’s a wedding party, a birthday or just an enjoyable meeting with friends.
The minimum order quantity for macarons is 8 pieces.
Snack selection “Deluxe”
If you want to take your special day to a whole new level, our Deluxe snack selection is just what you need.
Cookie cake
A classic cookie cake that’s perfect for both small and big sweet lovers alike!
Nutella-banana pretzel
Soft banana pieces and rich Nutella are hidden under the slightly crispy crust, offering a nice pleasure with every bite!
Vaarika-pistaatsia beseerull
Õhuline ja kerge beseerull värskete marjadega.
Munavalge, suhkur, laktoosivaba vahukoor, värsked marjad